Techniques and Drills for BJJ Beginners

Coach Interview with Anvar

In this interview, Coach Anvar shares key insights into how beginners can focus on fundamental movements and positional strategies to improve their game.


This is just a snippet of me skipping, which I thought I might as well share. Skipping is a great alternative to running and cycling with regards to building cardiovascular strength.

Toe-to-Bar Core Exercise

This advanced version of leg raises targets your core and improves stability. Toe-to-bar movements are highly beneficial for grapplers aiming to strengthen their midsection.

Straight Leg Raises

Basic leg raises are an essential core drill for mobility and core endurance. Mastering this movement helps with hip flexibility and guard retention in BJJ.

Tucked Knee Raises

Tucked knee raises are beginner-friendly and offer great activation for the lower core muscles. It's a great starting point before moving to more advanced core exercises.

Knee Raises

Knee Raises are an easier alternative to tucked knee raises. They are simply a regression and should not be looked down upon as an exercise.

Hip flexor stretch

The hip flexor stretch is personally essential before BJJ lessons. This stretch determines whether you go home limping or dragging your feet after sprawling (takedown defense), which stretches and can potentially pull your hip flexors.

Lizard Stretch - Hip flexor stretch ++

The lizard stretch is a progression of the hip flexor stretch. As I move closer to the mat, I twist my body, enabling my shoulder to make contact with the mat. This also results in a scapular and upper back stretch.

Individual Hamstring Stretch

The single-leg hamstring stretch is a hybrid between sitting toe touches and a folded kneel. This enables a stretch in the knees (quads), lower back, and of course, the hamstrings.

Basic Pushups

Pushups are essential for upper body strength conditioning. Being a bodyweight exercise, they should be relatively easy to perform. The pushup primarily works your chest and triceps. A tip when doing pushups is to flex your glutes and imagine you’re holding a pencil between your shoulder blades.

Pike Pushups - Pushup ++

Pike pushups are a progression from normal pushups. They place more emphasis on your shoulders and front delts, which, when trained continuously, will aid your progress toward achieving a handstand (I hope). Both forms of pushups are great accessible ways to condition your upper body and simultaneously build strength to push people off you from mount or side mount.
Please don’t be too pedantic about my form as this was filmed after a workout in a hot Dubai August.